3D打印行业透视@Formnext l 对话雷尼绍增材制造应用总监Marc Saunders先生

3D打印行业透视@Formnext l 对话雷尼绍增材制造应用总监Marc Saunders先生Formnext 2018展会期间,3D科学谷联合创始人Korinna Penndorf 女士与3D打印行业专家进行了访谈,通过5个问题的问答揭示行业发展机遇、挑战与趋势



3D打印行业透视@Formnext的本期被采访对象是Renishaw(雷尼绍)增材造应用总监Marc Saunders先生。

3D打印行业透视@Formnext l 对话雷尼绍增材制造应用总监Marc Saunders先生

左:  Marc Saunders,雷尼绍增材制造应用总监

右: Korinna Penndorf, 3D科学谷联合创始人

About Formnext 

Q1. 贵公司Formnext展会上有哪些亮点?

A: 雷尼绍本届Formnext 的亮点是将生产效率与质量相结合的金属3D打印技术。生产效率与质量是使用金属3D打印技术制造零件的企业最为重视的,雷尼绍多激光器选区激光熔融设备能够以更快、更低成本实现零部件生产,并且提供具有稳定可重复的质量。

3D打印行业透视@Formnext l 对话雷尼绍增材制造应用总监Marc Saunders先生






 Korinna Penndorf提问:在我们与制造业用户开展业务合作的过程中,客户最为关心的问题包括:是否能够通过3D打印制造出他们所需要求的产品质量的同时兼顾成本的考虑?

Marc Saunders回答: 现在,我们已证明雷尼绍的技术可以满足客户的这些需求。

About Business 

Q2. 在您的公司,今年的3D打印业务与去年相比的业绩是怎样的?

A: 可以肯定的是,我们看到了强劲的增长,并感觉到制造业用户端对于增材制造技术需求所发生的变化。在用户初次购买金属3D打印设备时,目的是开展增材制造相关的实验,但是如今已经有很多用户完成了这一阶段的工作,开始进入到增材制造生产阶段。那些正在筹备生产的客户,有的会购买一台金属3D打印设备,有的则是购买更多,例如5台甚至10台。这种情况越来越多,这也是支撑我们业务增长的基础。


3D打印行业透视@Formnext l 对话雷尼绍增材制造应用总监Marc Saunders先生





About Challenges 

Q3. 当前贵公司3D打印相关的业务所面临的主要挑战是什么?

A: 降低每个部件的3D打印成本,保证质量稳定性是充满挑战的,这是雷尼绍一直以来的聚焦点以及推进的工作。如果3D打印零件质量参差不齐,那么在后续后处理和认证阶段将会花费更多成本。每个3D打印零件的成本与生产效率和质量一致性相关。目前金属3D打印技术已经在某些细分领域展开了应用,但随着成本控制和质量一致性进一步发展,金属增材制造技术将迎来更多的机会。

About the industry

Q4. 关于3D打印行业的发展,您怎么看待2018年的发展情况,您觉得站在行业发展的角度,今年主要的发展以及障碍有哪些?

A: 我们看到了金属增材制造的增长,我们看到了很多新的进入者,尤其在中国,出现了一些新的3D打印设备企业。这些企业中,有的已经很成熟,而有的还处在发展当中。

同时我们看到,在雷尼绍以及其他老牌企业的长期客户当中部分已经转向增材制造生产,他们已经从初期仅购买一两台3D打印设备, 发展到购买一系列的3D打印设备。这些客户需要我们提供支持的水平与过去不同了,他们对于产品性能、可靠性的要求也提升了,因此我们需要为客户提供更专业的服务。



About the future of AM

Q5.  您个人或者您公司对与未来5年增材制造行业的发展看法如何?

A: 我认为我们身处在令人激动的时间节点上,3D打印技术正在从原型为主流的应用进入到增材制造生产型的应用,我们迎来了发展的契机。



-- 英文采访 --

Q1: What’s your highlights here at Formnext?

A: Here we are really talking about combining productivity with quality, because these are the key things that companies are looking at that do parts with metal AM. So we try to combine the productivity of multiple lasers, that allow us to build parts faster and at a lower cost, but also with consistency. So it is really important that every area of the bed produces the same quality, that part after part come out with a very consistent performance. So that companies can achieve consistent products with the parameters and have the confidence to maintain that in series production. So those are really the focus points for us this year.

Q. Korinna Penndorf:Are you launching any new machines or new features based on that focus?

A. Marc Saunders: We are not launching any new machines this year. What we are really doing is demonstrating the performance of the machines we introduced last year. We introduced a few machines last year and we are now backing that up with a whole year’s worth of data on testing, on parameter development work, on fatigue performance. All the questions that manufacturers ask when they are putting parts into production. So you get past the glossy brochure and get down to the real conversation about “Can you make my product? Can you make that to the quality we require? And can you make that to a cost that we require?”. And now we have proof.

Q2: If you compare this year business performance as opposed the last year, how has it been?

A: We are surely seeing strong growth. We won’t comment on specific numbers, so I can’t give you numbers of machines or turnover, but absolutely we are seeing strong growth and we are seeing a change in the way companies are approaching now. Maybe a year or two ago they were looking at buying their first machine and doing experimentation. Many more companies are at a point right now where they have done that work and they are moving now to their first production implementation, so they are buying a cell of machine, five or ten machines sometimes. So we are seeing much more of that and that is underpinning the growth.

Plus we are also seeing new companies taking their first steps in AM as well. So the early adopters are scaling up and we are now sort of seeing the “early majority” starting to come into the market and realizing they need to get involved, too.

Q. Korinna Penndorf:Which kinds of industries ae those “majorities”?

A. Marc Saunders: Aerospace is at the front of the queue. They are the ones that have made the most progress and they have been working with the technology the longest, so consequently many of the companies moving to production now are in that sector. But we also see heavy use in medical devices which again has been using the technology for some time. But increasingly we are seeing interest from areas like oil & gas, energy generation, from automotive particularly in the tooling arena for automotive but also in areas like consumer electronics and so on. These are some of the newcomers that are starting to realize the product performance opportunities that additive can bring. They are all looking at short design and product life cycles so they might move faster than some of the more regulated sectors like aerospace. So it is going to be interesting to see how some of these sectors will become much more important in additive over the next few years.

Q. Korinna Penndorf:You have these service centres set up around the world that provide services up to small batch production. How has that part been developing?

A. Marc Saunders: That has been developing very well. We see now some of the early customers that have started on that journey two years ago moving to production. Their facilities are coming online now and they are moving from working on Renishaw premises to their working on their own premises and that has been a successful transition. We are also seeing more companies early on their journey to make use of that, because it gives them the chance to learn, to build a business case before they get to make the big commitment and put a facility, machinery and people all together. By the time they make that decision they have processes ready, employees that are trained and that really helps. So we find that it is not really a consulting process but much more of a joint engineering development. That is the spirit in which we do those projects.

Q3: What are the major challengesas Renishaw that you are currently facing?

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