让..会回答你的TOEFL 写作问题(3)

Having watched too many other family businesses bring kids into the company early on and “damage’’ them, in his words, Henry was afraid of doing the same thing with his children, somehow coddling them or making life too easy. He was a big believer that the best development possible is “getting your butt kicked” as you learned the ropes outside your family business. So he watched with pride as each of his children found their own career path — one as a lawyer, one an artist, and the other a successful banker. Henry, however, had never given much thought to the roles his children would play in their large, multigenerational family business in their thirties, forties, and beyond. It was as though he had thought through his coaching for only the first half of a football game. In the “second half,” he found that his earlier advice needed to be reversed. He had to find a way for his now older and successful children to be attracted back to the family business — a place they’d been explicitly excluded from. That step, it turns out, is much harder and at least as important.



How Family Business Owners Should Bring the Next Generation into the Company

关于你的Job 为什么需要更多的Vacations

David Graeber, an anthropologist at the London School of Economics, has written a new book about the soul-sucking nature of modern work called “Bullshit Jobs: A Theory.” He argues that more and more people are employed in jobs that they think are “pointless.” They’re laboring over PowerPoint clip art for presentations that no one reads and trying to make five minutes of data entry last all morning long.

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