
December 31, 2021 (Estimated)

Awarded Amount to Date: [好文分享:www.11jj.com]

$605,849.00 [好文分享:www.11jj.com]

The project makes contributions to the ease of annotating, sharing, andsearching heterogeneous data sets. It focuses upon undergraduate training,emphasizing data science capabilities applied to a range of scienceproblems. 
The project enables aggregation, search, and inference with heterogeneousdatasets using a structured framework allowing data and metadata to be linkedby encoding the framework as a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) for LinkedData (JSON-LD) document. The approach builds on existing developments such asthe Scientific Data (SciData) framework and associated ontology that has beendeveloped by the PI, and Shape Constraint Language (SHACL) shapes to provideefficient searching, browsing, and visualization of data. The result extendsexisting approaches to link data and metadata and make data easilydiscoverable. The activity emphasizes Research in Undergraduate Institutions(RUI), training more than 30 undergraduates, graduate students and apost-doctoral student in the application of data science techniques to an arrayof science problems.



CRII: SCH: Multidimensional Tree Diagram Visualizationfor Linked Data Exploration

Program Manager:

Wendy Nilsen
 IIS Div Of Information & Intelligent Systems
 CSE Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr

Start Date:

September 1, 2017

End Date:

August 31, 2019 (Estimated)

Awarded Amount to Date:


The analysis and visual exploration of tree diagrams, visual representations ofhierarchical data, is particularly challenging in the imaging sciences (e.g.,radiology, biology, astronomy, etc.) as the tree diagrams ideally need to beviewed and explored within the context of the original data. The original datafrom which the tree was derived may be composed of a combination of imagingdata cubes (3D volumes), 2D images, and quantitative (tabular) data. A usefultechnique for the visual exploration of such related data sets is linked viewsin which equivalent data is visually highlighted in each individualvisualization. The goal of the proposed research project is to develop thenovel techniques, methods, and taxonomies needed for tree diagrams to enableeffective interactive visual data exploration including in the context ofmultidimensional linked data. The contributions of this proposal are applicableto many domains including and beyond healthcare. The new tools and taxonomiesdeveloped as part of this research, along with tutorials and syllabi, will bemade freely available and shared through conferences and workshops.
The research presented in this proposal will advance the state of the art invisualization through the creation of new techniques, methodologies, andtaxonomies for tree diagrams. The results of the research will enable theeffective design of interactive tree diagrams in a multidimensional contextbased on the required analytic tasks in a novel and systematic approach. Thefull project from taxonomy abstractions to visualization and editing techniquesand methodologies to an implemented system with an evaluation case study anduser testing provides a model approach to visualization research. The followingresearch questions will be addressed as part of the proposed work: (1) How doesone pick the optimal tree diagram type based on data type and analytic task?and (2) What are the best methods for interacting with tree diagrams includinghow to select data? To answer these questions a new taxonomy for tree diagramswill be created in order to take into account the concepts of data type, datadimensionality, quantitative data encoding options, and task. In order toenable the ability to develop linked views with tree diagrams, a new task taxonomyfor tree diagrams will be created including data selection methods for treediagrams. The taxonomies and related methodologies for tree diagrams will beimplemented into an interactive publicly available tool enabling a user toselect or invent the most appropriate tree diagram for their data and set oftasks, and then interact with it in a linked-view data visualization andexploration environment for visualizing and analyzing multidimensionaldatasets. In order to evaluate the new taxonomies and methodologies as well asthe usability of the new tool incorporating these concepts, a real world casestudy and usability evaluation will be conducted in the healthcare field ofbrain imaging with the goal of investigating and developing a novel tree diagramrepresentation of brain blood vessels.



Community Meeting on Scalable Data Publication Infrastructure

Program Manager:

Beth Plale
 OAC Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure (OAC)
 CSE Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr

Start Date:

November 1, 2018

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